Talent Acquisition

We believe in high morals like honesty, true to work and quality in given time and budget. Our out of the box approaches and methods reduce the TAT by 40% and our process of CSP reduce wrong hiring by 65-70% which on an average saves around 68% of time and money of the Customer.

Our Unique selling proposition is CSP (Candidate Screening Process) which works through seasoned professional of their respective fields.  Here is how it works:

  • Identification of Candidate through different channels
  • First screening by  the Recruiter and the Team Lead
  • One of our Technical Team Member s(can be a part of the Team or hired for the same purpose) screens the candidate against technical expertise
  • Due diligence with Team to identify how serious the candidate is
  • Checking the compatibility of candidate, availability and slots
  • Submit to Customer with our evaluation

Turning challenges into solutions

RigelGent drives your technology transformation with expertise and precisionvinar dapibus leo.